

Chouchou, pronounced “shou-shou”, has a variety of uses. 

The word chouchou is mostly used as a childish term of endearment to imply that someone is the favourite person in the group – to this end, it is often used in a school setting, typically to say that someone is a teacher’s pet. “C’est le chouchou du prof” (he is the teacher’s pet).The word chouchoute will be used for a girl or a woman. In broader terms, it can also mean that someone is the favourite (darling) of a nation, political group or a movement.

In a different context, chouchou also translates as a “scrunchy” used to hold a ponytail or a bun together.

Finally, the term chouchous is used to describe caramelised peanuts, a traditional sweet in France.

French language can be complex at times!!!


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